Southeastern Washington Transit

Public Transit Providers serving Southeastern Washington

Four transit options to explore Southeastern Washington. Valley Transit can assist you with a visit to Walla Walla Washington and their wineries.  Grapeline can assist you with travel to the many small communities located between Walla Walla and Tri-Cities Washington.  Once you have arrived in Tri-Cities, Ben Franklin Transit allows you to travel among the three cities - Richland, Pasco or Kennewick Washington.  Columbia County Transportation provides transit options to a variety of small communities located in Southeastern Washington. Many connections can be made with these  Public Transit Providers.   

Serving Walla Walla Washington Area

Valley Transit Public Transit serving Walla Walla Washngton and surrounding ciities 

Transit from Pasco to Walla Walla Washington

Round trips  between Walla Walla and Pasco Washington.  Stops at Walla Walla Airport, Walla Walla, College Place, Touchet, Wallula, Burbank, Pasco and Tri-Cities Airport.

Grape Line 1-877-433-4775

Serving the Tri-Cities Washington Area

Ben Franklin Transit serving the cities of Kennewick, Pasco, Richlanad, West Richland, Benton City, Prosser, and Finley, Washington.

Serving Columbia County Washington Area

CCPT serving Columbia County and Waitsburg Washington.  CCPT 1-509-382-1647

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